Easy Setup - CPU Docker

  • You will need about 10gb of RAM Free
  • You will need about 15gb of space free on C drive for Docker compose

We are going to run LocalAI with docker compose for this set up.

Lets setup our folders for LocalAI

mkdir "LocalAI"
cd LocalAI
mkdir "models"
mkdir "images"
mkdir -p "LocalAI"
cd LocalAI
mkdir -p "models"
mkdir -p "images"

At this point we want to set up our .env file, here is a copy for you to use if you wish, Make sure this is in the LocalAI folder.

## Set number of threads.
## Note: prefer the number of physical cores. Overbooking the CPU degrades performance notably.

## Specify a different bind address (defaults to ":8080")

## Define galleries.
## models will to install will be visible in `/models/available`
GALLERIES=[{"name":"model-gallery", "url":"github:go-skynet/model-gallery/index.yaml"}, {"url": "github:go-skynet/model-gallery/huggingface.yaml","name":"huggingface"}]

## Default path for models

## Enable debug mode
# DEBUG=true

## Disables COMPEL (Lets Stable Diffuser work, uncomment if you plan on using it)

## Enable/Disable single backend (useful if only one GPU is available)

## Specify a build type. Available: cublas, openblas, clblas.

## Uncomment and set to true to enable rebuilding from source
# REBUILD=true

## Enable go tags, available: stablediffusion, tts
## stablediffusion: image generation with stablediffusion
## tts: enables text-to-speech with go-piper 
## (requires REBUILD=true)

## Path where to store generated images

## Specify a default upload limit in MB (whisper)


Now that we have the .env set lets set up our docker-compose file. It will use a container from quay.io. Also note this docker-compose file is for CPU only.

version: '3.6'

    image: quay.io/go-skynet/local-ai:v2.0.0
    tty: true # enable colorized logs
    restart: always # should this be on-failure ?
      - 8080:8080
      - .env
      - ./models:/models
      - ./images/:/tmp/generated/images/
    command: ["/usr/bin/local-ai" ]

Make sure to save that in the root of the LocalAI folder. Then lets spin up the Docker run this in a CMD or BASH

docker compose up -d --pull always

Now we are going to let that set up, once it is done, lets check to make sure our huggingface / localai galleries are working (wait until you see this screen to do this)

You should see:

│                   Fiber v2.42.0                   │
│                    │
│       (bound on host and port 8080)       │
│                                                   │
│ Handlers ............. 1  Processes ........... 1 │
│ Prefork ....... Disabled  PID ................. 1 │
curl http://localhost:8080/models/available

Output will look like this:

Now that we got that setup, lets go setup a model